Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Jesse's Mission call

Jesse recovered from mono just in time to receive his mission call to .....New York Utica! Bretton is serving in the Great Lakes region also. They will miss each other by a couple of months, but are eager to be serving. No we don't know where Jesse got mono from, but Kaitlynn and Mark both came down with it too. Dave is down with pneumonia, Ben with severe ear infections, Sam with the flu, and Chaz is running a temp again. Ty gave his hands a bad rope burn at his cousins and Tasha is so sore from riding the horse. I think DJ is finally well, but we worry she may have children's arthritis. So tonight as part of family home evening, Dave and Jesse gave some priesthood blessings. At first Jesse was a little hesitant, but as the spirit grew stronger and stronger, so did his voice. It was incredible to look up at Dave and Jesse standing their exercising their Priesthood in such a reverent, loving manner. Thank you men!